Integral Zen

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The Integral Sangha is the Dragon Heart Sangha's Boulder operations, led by senior monks Brian Butsudo Turner, Brooke Teisui McNamara and Rob Daishin McNamara.

The Bodhisattva Circle is a weekly practice group of Diane Musho Hamilton's Integral Zen students and practitioners.

Requirements for belonging to the Boulder Bodhisattva Circle:
1. Two Arrows Zen Membership (at the "Basic" or "Bodhisattva" level).
2. Approval from Diane Musho Hamilton, Roshi.

Your monthly contribution to The Integral Sangha supports Boulder's Bodhisattva Circle; additional funds are donated to Two Arrows Zen, a 501(c)(3) organization.
Membership Options

Thank you for your support of Two Arrows Zen, The Dragon Heart Sangha and our Boulder efforts to support our ongoing practice.

Thank you to our former member and dear friend Alex Musat for our beautiful header.